Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's more then o.k.

All of a sudden I started having a pretty deepening "This too shall pass" moment...not fun...but I am human after all.

Or is the verdict still out on that one? lol :P

Logically (and thankfully), it was easily diverted.

I kind of have an equal amount of excitement/anxiousness/uncertainty about life right now...

Things are going almost too good...I can see and feel my goals and dreams slowly meshing with reality's unreal.

There have always been a lot of 'never'(s) in my life. I'm no stranger to serious negativity (from myself, my partner, my family, + ).

Maybe I'm just not entirely used to this awesomeness I now call life...I've always felt that I could never truly strive without an almost 100% positive, I really am a hippie...

The fact that I'm STILL in a bit of limbo...a lot actually...
*lowers the limbo stick*
bleh...I just have too much time on my hands to worry. Damn me and my womantastically worrying ways!

The moral of the story is that...well...I dunno...moral schmoral. I let the Animaniac's and their turning wheel decide mine ;)

One of those 'never'(s) I used to have...was that I'd never have *this*...

But I do <3


Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Today I realized that I like to play with boys, and sleep with men...

However, I only use the plural versions of those nouns to appease the grammar police :P

So I guess what I really realized, is that all that & MORE, exists...coexists actually...right under my roof!!!

I'm wearing his sweater as we speak ;)

UNF <3

Note to Self: Get more photographic evidence of his handsomeness to disprove potential disbelievers *. *(...of your awesomeness :P x0x0x )

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

And a good day to you too.

I really wasn't expecting today to be a day off...but it is I'm going to use it to the best of my abilities!

We somehow managed to wake each other up and out of slumps through tidying this morning... <3

It's impressive to see what can happen when everything is organized efficiently. We're well on our way in that department cutie, you haven't seen anything yet, muahahahah ;)

August is taking it's sweet time to get here...I'm trying to be patient, but it's hard. It'll be so much easier to accomplish many of my awaiting goals once it arrives!

Not that July hasn't had it's share of uber super goodness (this past weekend was literally unbelievable sinfully delicious sex 24/7 *drools*), and I know there's more to come.

A cleaning I shall go...


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Spy vs. Spy

I really shouldn't read your personal stuff secretly (amongst others) from now on I'm not going to...

It only enables parts of my brain that starts asking many questions that shouldn't be thought of, let alone asked...I'm already waaay too analytical :P

It's not that I don't trust you...I do trust you actually, very much <3

I'm just used to having my stuff read (a Sys. Admin. in my past probably doesn't help there) secretly, and I really wanted to be on the other side too.

Now that I've been there, I've hopped back to the other side permanently!

Too much time and not enough living...Time to scratch that, and reverse it quicker then my favourite jungle rewind.


So long as we motivate each other in the right ways, the goals we set seem to line up and score each and every time.

There are quite few on the horizon, and since I'm still a little blown away with what we've accomplished so far (in a short time, with mainly minimal effort)...I can only imagine what's to come from the results of our never ending dreams and wishes <3

I can also only imagine how many more times we're going to fall in love in the process...*blush*