Monday, June 2, 2008

Man oh Man

Oh, Miss R...

99% of the time I'm so insanely proud to be a woman.

Today however, that 1% reared its ugly head...

I'm not on my period, in P.M.S week, taking pills, recuperating from a bender, etc....
I've been eating pretty well, taking vitamins, getting exercise, etc.
...and yet, I've had the most whacked out emotions, thoughts, and feelings, ALL day!

Stupid female hormones *grumbles*

Sometimes I think it would be so much easier to be a man :P


pfft...Dutch. said...

Funny thing...I've been going through the SAME kind of emotional rollercoaster today. A fun mix of different levels of depression with an odd bit of anger and just a hint of a desperate need for both closeness and solitude.

And apparently people like me have a psychological form of P.M.S. that lands on the same time of the month. So ugh...

Mutt said...

Wow...those were the exact, dead on...

Very UGH!

*muah* to us for being strong and living through that stuff ;)