Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Bread Winner

I really hope that I get chosen for the ACE Bakery position I interviewed for this week. I received a very positive response from the thank-you letter that I sent last night...hope, hope, hope!

My soon to be official new roommate seems to be transitioning into permanency in the west end really well, and I foresee so much awesomeness between us in our journeys together...I can hardly wait <3

I'm slowly re-introducing a much healthier regime back into my daily life now that the weather has warmed up (yay bike riding!), and even though I don't really want to...
I think I might cut alcohol out of my diet. It's never agreed with me, and I have a penchant for recreational enjoyment from alternative sources which I would much prefer to be spending the booze fund on.

Tonight I'd like to spend the otherwise average G&T tab purchasing a new game to add to our collection!