Monday, March 31, 2008
Overqualified (and taxed!)
Steps were taken to elevate and boost Kyle's soon-to-be-new-job chances today, and I know he's going to have to make some exciting life changing decisions soon ;)
I haven't even truly decided where I want to go/be next, work wise...but I'm trusting my gut, and I know that everything will work out.
It would have been nice to have my tax return pre-deposited and ready to spend in the incoming weeks, alas...waiting for the meager sum will take quite a bit longer now that I have decided to take the matter into my own hands, heh :P
Spring might come in like a lion and out like a lamb...but I'm already here and I don't plan on going anywhere, aside from blossoming in the blooms <3
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Thank you Flickr for bringing it alive via vintage imagery!
Only time will tell...
I know everything will work out the way I want it to if I concentrate and work hard enough for it...but there is an enormous amount of unknown up ahead.
I'm just going to stick to the lists I know and love (some made, some not) to help guide me through these transitions...hopefully ensuring that I get where I need to be, happily.
Since the weather is finally permitting decent outdoor time again, I think I'll take a nice walk home after work tonight to think positive thoughts about spring 2008.
If it weren't for a lot of sweet, helpful people on the streetcar, I would have completely forgotten my laptop on it this morning.
Then I left my bank card in the machine after getting out money I owed to the office...
Thankfully, it was still there, since the branch I used downstairs hardly ever has anyone using it at this hour!
Before I could get to our 2nd floor office I spotted one of my ex-crushes girlfriend in the lobby...feeling weirded out enough already...I booted it to the other set of elevators we (luckily) have in the building :\
I think I just need some time alone...which I'll have plenty of tonight :)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Final Countdown
Only less then 2 weeks left to have to deal with all of this.
I have this phrase on repeat in my brain currently to assist with the remaining BS I have to deal with.
*long sigh*
Things are going to be better!
Less then 2 weeks left...less then 2 weeks left...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
This is a first for me, and I didn't realize how dire the situation was until now.
I now you don't like hearing me talk about what a failure I am, nor do I like thinking or talking about it...really hoping this next position isn't quite such an epic fail :\
Temporary Discomfort
If for any reason you feel I'm distant towards you in the next 5 days, it's not personal, and whether I'm intentionally doing it or not, it really has nothing to do with any actual changes between us.
I've convinced myself that it's a bit of a blessing in disguise, because now I won't be as easily distracted by the need to kiss you non-stop while we're together.
The time I need to heal can now be used to focus even harder on the new job I'll be working towards procuring and securing this week, and next.
Please be as patient as possible with me...I promise to do the same in return :)
Monday, March 17, 2008
Eerie, Indiana
The theme for this relationship is constant adjustment. This is a challenging pairing that is assured to bring growth. From the solar (Sun) perspective these two signs have very little in common. This relationship does not fall under the category of opposites attract either, each person is unique, has distinct differences and strengths. Aries is action oriented where Virgo is logical and rational preferring to plan a prudent course of action before actually doing anything. Virgo can help keep the Aries focused and help avert problems of acting in haste. The Aries can help the Virgo move ahead and not to be too cautious. This can be a very supportive relationship provided both of you can agree to disagree, and have an open mind about life. Offer not criticism, cherish the fact that the other is helping you be better, more grounded and helping round off your rough edges. Virgo may be refined, but this did not just happen - an irritation of a grain of sand is what grows into a pearl inside an oyster.
You need to embrace the change and adjustment, this relationship will make each one of you a stronger individual and one that has learned to know not only the other but himself/herself better. The excitement in this relationship is the fact that you are growing together, you are becoming both self-aware and aware of the relationship. You need to accept the things you cannot change and accept that you can truly only change yourself and your attitude.
All relationships were made in heaven, so to speak, but they are lived and experienced here on Earth. Sometimes we are not ready for challenging relationships such as this combination of Fire and Earth when we are young, but as we mature our relationship needs can change. It takes strength to discover yourself while also working on a relationship. It is totally different if you read about how you are or ought to be, but living it is a whole new ball-game.
I know there's a great postion not too far from where I am in the West end waiting for me...
I'll find out what and where in the next 2 weeks :D
All I know is that I'm finally going to be headed in the right direction to ensure that I'm working to live...I don't live to work (not for money anways). be continued...
He meets criteria I didn't even know I had (or existed), and is exceedingly creating new standards in what I now know, and think, love and happiness should include...
I intend to keep our dating to a maximum (forever), and with the weather now becoming quite bearable, look forward to planning many, many, MANY, experiences to bond, learn, and love together.
Sexually...I become a babbling brook (literally and figuratively, hah!) with this man...I think we sometimes dabble into the tantric world naturally, and unintentionally...based soley on the extreme passion we have no trouble letting loose towards each other ;)
...lost myself in the memory of one of last night's orgasms there for a second...
Where was I?
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Supporting Evil
I've known this for quite some time, and it still's hard not to be anti-corporate :(
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Spring Forward
New jobs, housing, bank account activity (heh :P), and more...
I have a zillion (at least) things unofficially planned that I'd like brought to life in the near future, but they're all being stored securely until scheduled in the database behind my eyes ;)
Can't decide what I want to do for your birthday this year...I didn't do anything remarkable...if anything at all, last I'm thinking that this year will have to be different...*ponders*
It's not our official anniversary for the year...but I still think it's pretty nifty that we'll have been going steady for about a year soon enough Archie <3
Monday, March 10, 2008
Supposed polar opposites braving a very polar city!

...and this past one was no exception :D
Yet another busy (very busy probably! ) week ahead, but when you're smart, and super awesome like us, the fun persists right through the work week ;)
Am I allowed to just boast about what an amazing couple we are?
I don't have the journal space to go into the exact specifics, hehehe...we just are <3
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Food of the Day: Soy Milk

In China and Japan, fresh soymilk is made daily using a simple, centuries-old process of grinding soaked and cooked soybeans and pressing the dissolved soymilk out of the beans. In these countries, soymilk is sold by street vendors or in cafes. It is served hot or cold and is often sweetened for a delightful beverage or flavored with soy sauce, onion and vegetables to produce a spicy soup.
A faux soymilk can be made from soy flour, or soybeans.
Soymilk is sold in supermarkets, health food stores and specialty food shops. It is most commonly found in aseptic (non-refrigerated) quart and 8-ounce containers, but is also sold refrigerated in plastic quart and half-gallon containers.
Unopened, aseptically packaged soymilk can be stored at room temperature for several months. Once it is opened, the soymilk must be refrigerated. It will stay fresh for about 5 days.
Soymilk also is sold as a powder, which must be mixed with water.
Soymilk powder should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.
Soymilk is available as a plain, unflavored beverage or in a variety of flavors including chocolate, vanilla, carob and almond. With the growing interest in lower-fat products, a number of "lite" soymilks, with reduced fat content, are appearing on the market.
Plain, unfortified soymilk is an excellent source of high-quality protein, B-vitamins and iron. Some brands of soymilk are fortified with vitamins and minerals and are good sources of calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B-12. Soymilk is free of the milk sugar lactose and is a good choice for people who are lactose intolerant. Also, it is a good alternative for those who are allergic to cow's milk. Children can enjoy homemade or commercially prepared soymilk after the age of 1 year. Infants under 1 year of age should be fed breast milk, commercially prepared infant formula or commercial soymilk infant formula.
Nutrients in 8 ounces of plain soymilk:
Regular Soymilk | Lite Soymilk (reduced fat) | |
Calories (gm) | 140 | 100 |
Protein (gm) | 10.0 | 4.0 |
Fat (gm) | 4.0 | 2.0 |
Carbohydrate (gm) | 14.0 | 16.0 |
Sodium (mg) | 120.0 | 100.0 |
Iron (mg) | 1.8 | 0.6 |
Riboflavin (mg) | 0.1 | 11.0 |
Calcium (mg) | 80.0 | 80.0 |
Source: product analysis
Soymilk can be used in almost any way that cow's milk is used.
- Try plain or flavored soymilk as a refreshing drink
- Pour soymilk over hot or cold breakfast cereal
- Use soymilk to make cream sauces that are cholesterol-free and low in saturated fat
- Make rich pancake and waffle mixes
- Create your own delicious shakes with soymilk, ice cream or tofu and fruit
- Use soymilk to make cream soups
- Try soymilk instead of evaporated milk to produce lower-fat custards and pumpkin pies
Banana-Oat Pancakes | Better Bran Muffins | Fresh Fruit Muesli
Curried Carrot Soup | Creamy Tomato Soup | Quick Corn Chowder
O'Brien Potato Wedges | Confetti Vegetable Wedges
Macaroni Casserole | Pasta With Cream Sauce and Mushrooms
Vanilla Pudding | Smoothies | Raspberry Sherbert
It is BY FAR the greatest liquid to emerge since the human discovery of milk that squirts from titties.
Trust me!
The crazy amount of snow determined a day of productive couching with bad ass tunes for me :D
Just finished up your cover letter, and I must say...that along with the resume we're destined for a new West-end future ;)
Trying to convince myself that it'd be worth it to venture out into the white abyss of Toronto to buy something new to wear to party it up tonight...but's not like I *actually* have nothing to wear, heh :P
(even though I'm pretty sure it's impossible not to feel that way sometimes as a girl!)
Friday, March 7, 2008
Food of the Day: Baklava
It's one of my absolute favourite occasional indulgences and when done right seriously tastes like some sort of nectar soaked pastry from the ancient gods!
It could always be worse...
I have so much work to do it's scary...really scary...*eep*
I'd give anything not to have to worry about myself as much as I do now...
I need to stop numbing myself as much as I have been lately...but it's so hard not to, since (aside from sleeping the world away) it's the easiest way to deal with having too much on my plate...
I hate not thinking...I need to get things sorted out sooner then later so I can recommence that vital part of living I love so much :(
Wish I could just be an awesome 60's housewife sometimes...I'm still completely baffled how to even remotely combine full time work, school, cooking, and the rest...
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I can't keep holding in everything, yet I'm not allowed to just let it go...bleed, bleed, BLEED!
Until then...drone, drone, drone :\
Monday, March 3, 2008
Survival of the Fittest
Not an easy request, but one I'd like completed sooner then later...
I haven't necessarily been dealt the greatest hand, but I don't think that should 2 out of 3, right? :P
My hippie leanings make it hard to conqour and love the corporate money driven soceity I'm currently a part of...but I'm in debt to every credit company alive...and should probably consider assuming a new indentity...*ponders*...hmmm
In the mean time...'mean-time' sounds so sinister and negative...I'm changing it to 'grin-time' <--- much better :)
In the grin time, I know I can do everything I want and need to. It's just going to require every fibre of patience, love, laughter, and positivity (and quite probably magic) I have ;)
Did I mention the love of my life is going to be moving in?!?
- Note to self -
Talking to your already super awkward landlord while high out of your mind (and very awkward yourself), should never be done again!
I feel like Pickles when he tried to buy the cinnamon bun franchise..."...too drunk...too drunk."
Oh...and...from now on rent is $740 and the gas bill from Enbridge is separate, which is currently around $65 dollars per month...wonder how much we can shave off (time to put my David Suzuki teachings into place and eco-muse assess my own place for environmentally friendly updates! hehehe), ...I'll gladly just constantly light those crazy coloured candles ;)
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Mrs. Rip Van Winkle
I'm quite happy with the work I accomplished today...even though it was somehow completed between the hours of
9:30am-1:30am, 3:00pm-5:00pm, and 11:30am-1:00am...
I still have tons to always, but once I whittle down a bit more this weekend, Monday should be quite pleasant :)
Every day HAS been quite pleasant lately's a breeze when you have someone special to coast through life long as we're on the same cloud, living becomes it's own heaven (and way better then I've heard it described) <3
I hope I get to be your first and last roommate...I promise to shame anyone who claims they'd be better at it then me! ;)
I must make you feel old, lol...
Had hoped to itinerize this weekend, but alas...everything always works out for us anyways!
So much time and so little to say. Wait a minute...strike that, reverse it...the great Willy Wonka was right -
Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple.
Sweet dreams <3