Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Two Faced

Miss R...

Archie pointed out that I tend to neglect this journal with regards to the 99.9% of happy times that him and I have, as I tend to remember to write here mostly in times of distress :P

It obviously didn't occur to me that I was doing that...but it's true!

I write little happy blurbs, more often then not, in my purerave journal (buttahflye), since I tend to be logged in talking to friends there pretty much every day.

So yah...

I guess the 'Wheel of Morality' lesson here is:

The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind.



pfft...Dutch. said...

Heh. I remember starting a purerave account like, a year ago and have since forgotten the name and password.

And it's all good! As you can see, I've been neglecting my journal almost entirely since I usually post on my livejournal :P. But don't think I don't know how happy you two crazy kids are! Kyle posts the happy stuff on a VERY regular basis!
