Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Squished Tomatoes

So apparently we both love each other too much!

Oh Archie...


I'm supposedly the articulate one, yet your words and thoughts are always so much more clearer than mine.

We've both expressed our distaste for those tears (that have appeared as of late) in my eyes, and I know and believe how unbearable it must be when they're heard over the phone...
yet just a few unpleasant-ish calls, and here I am...stoned :P...but even without that...BETTER <3

I do love you too much!


Kyle said...

I love you so very much, and I know that the tears are not for me and that is how I can bare them.

Life is down, but we are up and soon there will be a balance... and until then I will do everything in my power to help!!!!!

Mutt said...

*pinches arm*


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pfft...Dutch. said...

Damn blogger signing me in as someone else...

Anyways, original statement before it was deleted: