Monday, November 5, 2007


Awww shucks, we both know my short term memory is um...short, heh.
Unfortunately...even though I've wanted to write here, I've been unable to. Hopefully my wireless connection is back up and running tonight once I get home though.

Wish we didn't have to go through the individualized pain that we did this past weekend...but I still believe everything happens for a reason...and whatever doesn't kill us will only make us stronger...right?

Very sorry that you had to see my cry like I did yesterday. It was a lot of pain to have to deal with in one day.
It ended with smiles though, thank you.

Trying not to be fragile today...things in my life just seem to keep getting harder and harder.

Sad to say, but that TTC pass was the only real personal asset I've consistently had for the past couple months. It's hard to grasp that I don't even have that freedom now.

I know it must be worrisome to see me in states like this, but I'll be fine...promise :)
I want to say that things could always be worse...but I REALLY don't have a single luxury to afford having that phrase come true! lol


Kyle said...

Don't worry everything will get better shortly, I think it's just because you are in this transitional phase. I'm going to help with the travel don't worry!

Mutt said...

It wasn't your fault I retardedly chucked out my pass in a fit of very painful stupidity (although accidental of course). You're very sweet, save your money, these legs work perfectly well. I'm just going to start saving up for winter clothing and stuff very VERY soon!