Saturday, October 27, 2007


O.k. they might not be brand new or anything...but I had some substantial revelations this year that I'd like to internet blog capsulize.

Unfortunately unlike other branded/and or religious holidays we don't celebrate 'I'm Smrt Day'...although we should...
*strokes chin thoughtfully*

I just wanted to go on record regarding a few things anyways (partner oriented), so here it goes...

1) I'm not incapable of communication in a relationship. In fact, I'm fairly good at it.

2) I'm a very sexual person. I have the sex drive of...of...a horny toad? (are they perpetually horny too?)...I want it and need it, at least once a day, please.

There's more...but those two things were the largest and reddest of the 99 luft balloons floating around in my head on the way home through High Park this evening. I can't believe I was told, and thought, otherwise, for so VERY long.

I'm forever grateful knowing that I have *you* to thank for this.


Kyle said...

Anyone that tells you, that you can't communicate... doesn't really know how to talk to you in my opinion.

We have had plenty of conversations about our wants and needs, and they have all been very valuable to how strong we have become.

I fell in love with you once again, with the 99 luft balloons comment.

Mutt said...

I agree wholeheartedly cutie <3

Even our silly conversations can lead into fairly deep things from time to time.

...and d'awww...
I love you so frickin much!